HzSwitch is a quick applcation for changing of the monitor refresh rate. It will detect available frequencies and will let you create profiles for your applications. This will get handy for users having 144Hz monitors that dont want to drive the VGA to the maximum while playing simple games that dont even reach 144 FPS […]
Archive for the ‘New software’ Category
There is a new, cheap and practical geiger counter on the market, it’s Radex ONE from Quartarad.com. The Radex ONE uses SBM-20 GM tube, which is very sensitive and can detect beta, gamma and xray radiation. You can display 3 different values on the display : uSv/h , dose in uSv and CPM. It has […]
The first sequel to the game Sociopat is here. It’s named “Good Moon Returns” , why ? well you have to find out. The game is available only in Slovak language, so if you don’t understand Slovak language it’s not ment for you. Game is FREEWARE so just click here to DOWNLOAD (148MB) You may get […]
And it’s here. Few days ago I had posted trailer for a game in development where I had not given away the name of the game. And now you know. You can download the game for free at this link : DOWNLOAD (220MB) The game is called Sociopath : The path of destruction , and it was […]
If you have your own windows based server I am sure that there are some apps you wish to run as service. Apps that are not designed to run as service but yet you need them to start before the user is logged in, like game servers. This can be performed by editing registry and […]
If you had purchased new hard drive and especially new SSD drive, I bet one of the first things you want to do is to transfer all your Steam or Origin games to the new drive, however their install directories can not be moved without the whole Steam or Origin. One other way is to […]